Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kidney Stones

According to a good friend of mine, who is an acupuncturist, Chinese medicine supports the idea that January and February are the months of the year that are most challenging for your kidneys.

I can attest to that having been diagnosed with kidney stone disease several years ago in January when I thought I was either having an appendicitis attack, or my heart had dropped into my abdomen and I was having a heart attack!

The emergency room visit resulted in surgery to have a stent inserted between my bladder and kidney, and then weeks of excruciating pain masked with drugs while the stones moved out after being blasted in another procedure.  Having babies is a piece of cake, in comparison.

After recovering from that nightmare, I contacted a naturopathic physician I knew, who owns an herbal company that supplied my organic store with the only liquid herbal products I stocked because they are so good.

After telling him about my situation, knowing I'll be vulnerable to stones in the future, I asked him if there was an herbal alternative to the surgery.  He sent me a protocol to follow and, sure enough, the next January, another opportunity presented itself for me to test his program.

It was easy.........almost painless and I never had to step foot in the hospital.  I began telling everyone who told me they had kidney problems that there is an alternative.

Whenever, I felt the possibility of another incident developing, I would follow the protocol.  It does require drinking lots of liquids and curtailing most food choices for three days, but it sure beats the hospital option.

Then, it came to me one day, that maybe I could create a modified maintenance program and I'm happy to say that it's January once again and I'm feeling pretty good about avoiding serious pain.

If anyone is interested in the specific formulas, let me know by posting to the blog and I will provide them.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Texas or Bust

Most of my life was spent working for others, being a dutiful daughter, wife, Mom, sister, and good friend.  I used to tell anyone who would listen that my life goal was to work at so many different jobs that one day I could pick up the classified ads of any newspaper and be qualified for most of the jobs listed there.  Then mid-life approached and I decided to try working on my own.

So, for eleven years I owned an organic grocery store that I started from scratch - not a franchise.  I dedicated myself to providing the healthiest, cleanest, additive free, responsibly produced products to enhance the health of my customers.  Many relied on me to recommend products specific to their dietary restrictions.  Alas, the 24/7/365 commitment grew old and I decided to trade that reality for that of becoming a house director for a sorority in Berkeley, California that houses 57 women.  What was I thinking!

The Berkeley decision was made to maximize our retirement returns and would provide the additional resources ultimately to move from West Virginia to Texas and have reasonable quality of life expectations.  We're almost there, but I miss the interaction I used to have with my customers.  I still receive updates on health issues and products.  I still keep my eyes and ears open for all sorts of quality of life possibilities.  But, who can I share this with now?  Any of you that choose to follow my blog.

I promise to provide the same information my former customers grew to depend upon.  I sort through the hype and provide the shortened version.  I hope my blog will become one of your favorite resources and look forward to your comments and suggestions about the content.  There will be opportunities for you to click through for some of the resources mentioned.  Will it help me get to Texas sooner?  You bet.  Will it be products I honestly believe will be of benefit to you?  You bet.  Join me for the journey.  You'll be glad that you did.