Friday, August 19, 2011

Today, I feel gratitude for....

A safe journey back to the East Coast yesterday, after several false starts from flight delays.

A taxi driver that shared his childhood memories of the East side of Austin, so we could really visualize the changes as we drove through on the way to the airport.

Being surrounded by families with quiet children on the plane.  A peaceful flight!

So many interesting local artist displays, neat retail stores and yummy food at the Austin airport.  Who would have thought an airport could be so interesting - which was good given the flight delays.

Being married to a really kind man, who just happens to be really smart too!  He keeps me on my toes!

Thank you Lord, for always being present as I move through my day.  Thank you for helping me to understand what is really important in my life and setting aside minor inconveniences.  You must be working very diligently on my travel attitudes, because we are doing a lot of travel with a minimum of inconvenience.  Help me to reflect your Light and Joy to others around me, so that perhaps I can have a positive impact on challenges they might be experiencing.  Help me to remain organized as I prepare for our next set of travel plans that culminate in sharing J & S's wedding festivities.  They've worked so hard to make it memorable for their guests, as well as themselves.  Amen